Thank you for your pledge!

Thank you so much!

We have received your online pledge form, and you should have received an automatic reply at the address you submitted if you selected to get a copy of the confirmation email.

If you have any difficulty processing your pledge into a donation, please don't hesitate to contact the NIS Development Office at

Once again, thank you for supporting NIS and the 2020 Vision Project!


ご寄付のお手続きに関してのご質問等ございましたら、どうぞご遠慮なく名古屋国際学園 渉外開発室までご連絡ください。温かいご支援に心より御礼申し上げます。


- NIS Development Office, on behalf of the 2020 Vision Project Fundraising Team

- 名古屋国際学園 渉外開発室 東棟校舎建設プロジェクト担当