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*申し込み期限 6月28日

  • 参加資格を満たしていれば、NISの生徒以外の方も全てのセッションにお申し込み頂けます。




  • 終了時間は午後3時です。カフェテリアまでお越し頂くか、駐車場にてお待ち下さい。
  • お車でお越しの方ははメインパーキングをご利用下さい。


2018 Schedule & Course Descriptions

Group A = Students in Preschool & Kindergarten (Born between 9/1/12 - 8/31/14)
Group B = Students in Grades 1-3 (Born between 9/1/09 - 8/31/12)
Group C = Students in Grades 4+ (Born before 9/1/09)

Group placement will be based on a student's age-determined grade placement for the equivalent of the 2018-2019 NIS school year, which runs from September-August, not the Japanese school year placement which runs from April-March.

Fun from Previous Years

Program Details

2023 Summer Session 

  • July 31 - August 1 9:00-15:00 

COVID-19 Risk Management Plan

English   Japanese   

Application Deadlines

  • July 1

Application Requirements

Applicants must be students between Gr. 3 through 8 (entering Gr. 3) and be currently enrolled in an English-based curriculum school. (students must have finished Gr. 2).  Please see the requirements under "Enrollment Eligibility".

Session Fees

¥35,000 per student, per session (Lunch fees separate)  *Payment includes the popular Summer Program T-shirts!


Tel: 052-736-2025



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